Shirt|Blouse|Daster|Bed Cover|Kemeja Batik|Blus Batik|Daster Batik:|Sprei Batik
Batik originallyis made from art images with manydotted, it isnative of Indonesian heritage. Now, Batikis famous in the world, proof thatIndonesiahas ahigh culturalvalue, and has been recognizedandappreciatedby theworld community.The rise of the culture habits to wear batik everyday bothforoffice clothes, casual orformal eventshave an impactonincreasingthe Indonesian people's economy.......batik maker/entrepreneur has awakenthe entrepreneurshipin rural areasandreduceunemploymentandurbanizationto thecapital city (Jakarta).
Remembering my childhood with my familyenvironmentwhowerebatik craftsmanand batik businessman, raised my spirit to come back in the worldthathave beenleft for decades bymyfamilyancestors.
Kain Batik Cap Tulis Motif : Parang kombinasi Material : Katun prima Size : ukuran kemeja bisa s/d 2L (sudah berpola tinggal jahit) Price : Rp.199.000,-